Wolf Counsel
Destination Void
Endless Winter Rec
Swiss Wolf Counsel is a doom metal band from whom the fans of the genre can quickly expect new music, almost every year. As time is passing by, this album proves their maturity as composers. This band always embraces everything that is best in them, which is a cause why they always make solid albums. One of the factor that validates their music reliability are vocals in their songs, which are fully to enjoy. Proper, clean singing is in prize, but also, I am fond of hearing epic vocals of their singer, who is able to use large scales for his vocal chords. Ralf`s vocal equalities are not as wide as Ozzy`s or Messiah Marcolin for sure, but I positively receive his vocal variations on the whole album. Especially in songs Nazarene, Nova, in which magick atmosphere is raised by refrains, on top of heavy and doomy guitar arrangements. Mother Of All Plagues is a bit more lively and dynamic song in mid-tempo... And as it is in previous songs, this one is also sprinkled with interesting guitar solos, which happen in further tracks too. Men Of Iron Men Of Smoke has started to interest me just after third minute has started off, here, they sound a bit like earlier Paradise Lost (not death metal era for sure). S/T song is both slow and faster but never loses its heaviness and mysticism and they just sound very good on this record. The album was made with a sense of the band` s need, which is a traditional sounding doom metal (Solitude, Candlemass etc) that has everything to do with heavy metal and rather not much with deathy-doom metal. And on these bases of classic sound, the band continues with the next song, entitled Tomorrow Never Knows. It`s possibly the most diverse song on the album with groove and many times changed music structures. The last track is the longest one with kind of sorrow-some, melodic inclinations, potentially hard rock solos and they put more accents on harder expression of some vocals. It`s cold and very doom metal song, which is what Wolf Counsel does, and they are hauntingly good at it!
1. Nazarene
2. Nova
3. Mother Of All Plagues
4. Men Of Iron Men Of Smoke
5. Destination Void
6. Tomorrow Never Knows
7. Staring Into Oblivion
1. Nazarene
2. Nova
3. Mother Of All Plagues
4. Men Of Iron Men Of Smoke
5. Destination Void
6. Tomorrow Never Knows
7. Staring Into Oblivion
Review by Slawek Migacz
Added: 11.02.2019
Added: 11.02.2019