Talheim Records
Opening piano sequence is pretty much as front cover of the album, I am awed by vastness of that visual and sadness of the music. Nostalgie.Resonanz is a combination of harsh black metal – quite eerie at times, with moments that are more like melodic black/death metal. Waldschrat plays guitar harmonies convincingly throughout the album, which just make their music sound better. The album is everything but black metal, sometimes there are just some musical ideas that give me impression that they reached for influences beyond that genre, which in fact they did - Die Sterne Sangen Mir Ein Lied is a blend of groove doom/black and melancholy.
Band intertwines black metal with raw, neo-folk influences, but they do not used any specific instruments to create their folklore , standard metal instruments were good enough to get them to this musical conviction, so folk music sounds just very metal in their songs. Album has many uncompromising black metal fragments, which mean that they have this ferocious black metal spirit in the band. When Waldschrat plays middle paced fragments (plenty of quality music in this range to hear on the whole album), it is also where vocalist sings more melodically, however those black metal shrieks seem hard to be left off by the band for a bit longer. In heavier moments in songs, Waldschrat plays melodic leads along – some of pagan metal feel to it. Same situation with fast guitar shreds to which second guitarist often plays aggressively, but with more like a sorrow/melodic riffs along, so, the album has some interesting musical layers.
Last two songs are bonuses, cover Black Sabbath with black metal vocals do not change a fact that Paranoid is just a great tune whenever I hear it. And Odins Ritt Auf Dem Sonnwendstein - this track sounds like a folk track you would sing by the fire place, very good, non metal tune. Other decent songs of the band: Zeitzeugen, Der Widersacher...
Band intertwines black metal with raw, neo-folk influences, but they do not used any specific instruments to create their folklore , standard metal instruments were good enough to get them to this musical conviction, so folk music sounds just very metal in their songs. Album has many uncompromising black metal fragments, which mean that they have this ferocious black metal spirit in the band. When Waldschrat plays middle paced fragments (plenty of quality music in this range to hear on the whole album), it is also where vocalist sings more melodically, however those black metal shrieks seem hard to be left off by the band for a bit longer. In heavier moments in songs, Waldschrat plays melodic leads along – some of pagan metal feel to it. Same situation with fast guitar shreds to which second guitarist often plays aggressively, but with more like a sorrow/melodic riffs along, so, the album has some interesting musical layers.
Last two songs are bonuses, cover Black Sabbath with black metal vocals do not change a fact that Paranoid is just a great tune whenever I hear it. And Odins Ritt Auf Dem Sonnwendstein - this track sounds like a folk track you would sing by the fire place, very good, non metal tune. Other decent songs of the band: Zeitzeugen, Der Widersacher...
1 Nostalgie (Intro)
2 Zeitzeugen
3 Freiheit
4 Der Widersacher
5 Die Sterne Sangen Mir Ein Lied
6 Im Rauschen Des Windes
7 Von Traum Und Zeit
8 Als Das Leid Das Land Heimsuchte
9 Heimat
10 Resonanz (Outro)
11 Paranoid
12 Odins Ritt Auf Dem Sonnwendstein
1 Nostalgie (Intro)
2 Zeitzeugen
3 Freiheit
4 Der Widersacher
5 Die Sterne Sangen Mir Ein Lied
6 Im Rauschen Des Windes
7 Von Traum Und Zeit
8 Als Das Leid Das Land Heimsuchte
9 Heimat
10 Resonanz (Outro)
11 Paranoid
12 Odins Ritt Auf Dem Sonnwendstein
Review by Slawek Migacz
Added: 29.10.2020
Added: 29.10.2020