Funere / Exhumed Records
This album of Icelandic doomers, if not of haunting nature, then at least, grabs my attention. Gloominess of music and terrifying vocals, push a listener into the abyss of hopelessness and tears you there apart emotionally. A chunky, doom metal riffs sound very bleak and sludgy (I, III), which go with short ambience fragments in some songs. A depressive tension of music, the feeling of being abandoned by anythong positive, in this album it crushes you musically like those slow, monolithic riffs of the band that are integrated part of their song writing.
The beginning of a first song is calmer, but then, metaphorically speaking – this album is just grey and bleak, it`s a musical journey where you are being suppressed by negative vibe of the music.
The vocals on the album sound very obscure, which is even more horrifying when facing this negatively vibrant, musical universe of Vofa.
The band plays songs in the shade of funeral doom doom metal. Among harsher roars that not once feels insane, they sing a fragment with clean vocals (II) that just sound a bit off. Neither vocals nor music on this album has nothing melodic to offer - in case if you`d like to be more impress by something like that.
Album production is indistinct, a drummer does a lot of noise on cymbals, in the beginning of last track, slow guitar riffs sound very fuzzy which I like, latter on, the music becomes a mix of doom with dirty sounding stoner, and yes, this album is dim and sludge as hell, till the end.
It is exciting to hear how they managed to bring something creative, out of misery of human, emotional and mental state, and gave this album the blackest and darkest musical scenarios.
Of course, the album in its most parts has plenty of heavy sounding music, but there are also long moments where everything sounds more disturbing, ominous which gave me some goose bombs and made me feel uncomfortable. Once you listen to those songs, the atmosphere of songs will devour any light you might have left in you, which is why Vofa is very unsettling record. Love it or hate it...The answer lies is in you.
The beginning of a first song is calmer, but then, metaphorically speaking – this album is just grey and bleak, it`s a musical journey where you are being suppressed by negative vibe of the music.
The vocals on the album sound very obscure, which is even more horrifying when facing this negatively vibrant, musical universe of Vofa.
The band plays songs in the shade of funeral doom doom metal. Among harsher roars that not once feels insane, they sing a fragment with clean vocals (II) that just sound a bit off. Neither vocals nor music on this album has nothing melodic to offer - in case if you`d like to be more impress by something like that.
Album production is indistinct, a drummer does a lot of noise on cymbals, in the beginning of last track, slow guitar riffs sound very fuzzy which I like, latter on, the music becomes a mix of doom with dirty sounding stoner, and yes, this album is dim and sludge as hell, till the end.
It is exciting to hear how they managed to bring something creative, out of misery of human, emotional and mental state, and gave this album the blackest and darkest musical scenarios.
Of course, the album in its most parts has plenty of heavy sounding music, but there are also long moments where everything sounds more disturbing, ominous which gave me some goose bombs and made me feel uncomfortable. Once you listen to those songs, the atmosphere of songs will devour any light you might have left in you, which is why Vofa is very unsettling record. Love it or hate it...The answer lies is in you.
1 I
2 II
1 I
2 II
Review by Slawek Migacz
Added: 13.10.2020
Added: 13.10.2020