Talheim Records
Split album of two black metal hordes, Varulv from Austria and Wintarnaht from Germany.
Those 3 tracks of Varuvl are so much different from their most recent album Kerker, Todt Und Teyfl that I reviewed this year for this magazine. Felsengräber and In Den Rauen Nächten are both dismal sounding songs with harsh vocals and prolonging guitars riffs that in mid-tempo sound quite atmospheric. In third song drumming with foots is more dense while in the first track, drummer plays faster fragments. Second track from the band is little more aggressive, just classic black metal song that sonically welcomes you to its hellish embers. I like misty guitar sound in those 3 songs.
Since other band members left the band in 2017, Wintarnaht is now one man project. Niche sound (comparable to Burzum) of songs and pagan influences that you can recognize in quite impressive chants from Grimwald, should meet acceptance from those of you leaning toward archaic style of black metal. Raspy black metal vocals go usually with fast, chaotic moments in songs or, music sounds more bombastic - Viking-like style, when you hear chants performed by Grimwald.
It`s not perfect record, I do not think it ever suppose to be, but Wintarnaht has definitely more better fragments in music than the ones that you might appreciate less.
Those 3 tracks of Varuvl are so much different from their most recent album Kerker, Todt Und Teyfl that I reviewed this year for this magazine. Felsengräber and In Den Rauen Nächten are both dismal sounding songs with harsh vocals and prolonging guitars riffs that in mid-tempo sound quite atmospheric. In third song drumming with foots is more dense while in the first track, drummer plays faster fragments. Second track from the band is little more aggressive, just classic black metal song that sonically welcomes you to its hellish embers. I like misty guitar sound in those 3 songs.
Since other band members left the band in 2017, Wintarnaht is now one man project. Niche sound (comparable to Burzum) of songs and pagan influences that you can recognize in quite impressive chants from Grimwald, should meet acceptance from those of you leaning toward archaic style of black metal. Raspy black metal vocals go usually with fast, chaotic moments in songs or, music sounds more bombastic - Viking-like style, when you hear chants performed by Grimwald.
It`s not perfect record, I do not think it ever suppose to be, but Wintarnaht has definitely more better fragments in music than the ones that you might appreciate less.
1 Varulv-Felsengräber
2 Varulv-Myren Saga
3 Varulv-In Den Rauen Nächten
4 Wintarnaht-In Erd Und Ew´ger Nacht
5 Wintarnaht-Von Tor Zu Tor
6 Wintarnaht-Seelenkammer
1 Varulv-Felsengräber
2 Varulv-Myren Saga
3 Varulv-In Den Rauen Nächten
4 Wintarnaht-In Erd Und Ew´ger Nacht
5 Wintarnaht-Von Tor Zu Tor
6 Wintarnaht-Seelenkammer
Review by Slawek Migacz
Added: 15.05.2020
Added: 15.05.2020
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Talheim Records
Talheim Records