Willkommen Im Unheil
Satanath Records/Black Metal Propaganda Deutschland
Trond is Tino Fluch - all instruments, lyrics and vocals.
Album sounds like a typical home-made record. It does not have a real drum beats, more like computer programmed schematics which do not give a proper music depth. Guitar sound is very modest, songs are grim, depressive, harsh but maybe because it`s black metal and sometimes it`s all what it needs. However it does not matter that much when I think of this album. I bet that you heard vocals like on this record 1000 times before... Seems like Tino has done an album that he wanted to do, technically it sounds okey, only, I am totally at piece with his music. I do not hate it, I do not feel I should like it either, and those songs just do nothing to me. It`s probably because there are whole lot of similar albums to Willkommen Im Unheil out there and black metal music in this performance has became negatively tendentious. Within past 5 days, I played the album several times, hoping that maybe I missed something that I should not, but no... I do not have connection to music of Trond at all. For me, it`s just a black metal album with a katalog number that has nothing interesting in that would make me listen to it again.
Album sounds like a typical home-made record. It does not have a real drum beats, more like computer programmed schematics which do not give a proper music depth. Guitar sound is very modest, songs are grim, depressive, harsh but maybe because it`s black metal and sometimes it`s all what it needs. However it does not matter that much when I think of this album. I bet that you heard vocals like on this record 1000 times before... Seems like Tino has done an album that he wanted to do, technically it sounds okey, only, I am totally at piece with his music. I do not hate it, I do not feel I should like it either, and those songs just do nothing to me. It`s probably because there are whole lot of similar albums to Willkommen Im Unheil out there and black metal music in this performance has became negatively tendentious. Within past 5 days, I played the album several times, hoping that maybe I missed something that I should not, but no... I do not have connection to music of Trond at all. For me, it`s just a black metal album with a katalog number that has nothing interesting in that would make me listen to it again.
1 Im Herzen Des Windes
2 Die Jäger Werden Fleißig Sein
3 Zur Zeit Ohne Ende
4 Kinder Im Herzschlag Der Erde
5 Nächte Schwärzer
6 An Wahrheit Immerhin Gedacht
7 Nimmermüde Dunkelheit
8 Die Großartigkeit Des Krieges
9 Mein Todloser Geist
10 Ausklang
1 Im Herzen Des Windes
2 Die Jäger Werden Fleißig Sein
3 Zur Zeit Ohne Ende
4 Kinder Im Herzschlag Der Erde
5 Nächte Schwärzer
6 An Wahrheit Immerhin Gedacht
7 Nimmermüde Dunkelheit
8 Die Großartigkeit Des Krieges
9 Mein Todloser Geist
10 Ausklang
Review by Slawek Migacz
Added: 20.02.2020
Added: 20.02.2020