The Soulscape Project
Modern black metal has many faces and is evolving to unknown direction. This band from Germany has taken one of those paths but it is fresh view on the genre rather than exploring very innovate areas. I support my idea of their post black metal as something that comes across of modern metal and harvests its ideas from the world and music that we think we know about. Something they want to breakthrough musically but still did not happened to them even if they are close to it. They barely use classic black metal or the sound of it as a foundation of Liberation but on the ashes of those, their creativity meets the year 2017 and the sound of our times. If you would either call them as black metal band or not then both statements could be possibly appropriate if you choose so. The question is what they have done on this album that makes it not that obvious.
Is sort of introduction song with gentle and subtle keyboards. Bit by bit, the other instruments feature as well just to give you a delicate taste of what they are and stimulate your curiosity to what`s to come next...
Now, I can say, this is what The Soulscape Project (TSP) is about. Very calm start turns them into beauty and the beast of post black metal. Long and epic riffs as in the beginning are just marvellous, essential to power of the band. Almost like a main theme to classic horror game Silent Hill. And still, as they come with new elements, the hell breaks loose completely. They reveal wider side of the band when cumulated ferocity of the guitars and drums take them to their own soundscapes and music impressions. I do not think that those vocals declamation I hear a few times next are for the best. Totally unnecessary from them, sounds underdeveloped and those are a little fall downs of the albums. What I am writing is that other metal vocals are particularly much better here and on the whole album, too. Piano parts are jazzy-like but it just takes seconds to come back, to misty sounding post black metal, the core of what they do best. And with another smooth piano performance they ends the song.
It`s life events intro type song. Just nice music background and the voices of people that deal with everyday life situations. So decent, so like most of us do and so natural...
Has what the old black metal has not as much as TSP. Vital riffs, very lively song writing and brighter atmosphere. However, they still go fast and harsh on guitars and vocals with speed drumming but music remembers new days more that the darker, old ones. The entire song varies from modern black metal to electronic, techno, ambient elements and even progressive metal which I can hear few more times in other songs. So, the band is open for not only black metal influences and diversity is what makes them stronger.
The Old House By The Sea
Begins like melodic death/doom metal with thrash. For about 4 minutes they have lost that music arrogance and magnificent killer instincts, so significant for Departer, Whitehaven songs which are highlights of the album. They eventually come back to the essence of their sound and post metal type of music but I wish I had it much more in this song. They added different mood expressions this time in vocals lines, specifically, it sounds more mysterious and keyboards parts follow the idea, too. The song becomes atmospheric toward the end but in general, it has its ups and downs.
I like 4 out of 5 songs, including intros which is about 80% really great stuff. Also, TSP are much alike if you dig bands like Mgła, Devin Townsend Project, Satyricon...
Review by Slawek Migacz
Is sort of introduction song with gentle and subtle keyboards. Bit by bit, the other instruments feature as well just to give you a delicate taste of what they are and stimulate your curiosity to what`s to come next...
Now, I can say, this is what The Soulscape Project (TSP) is about. Very calm start turns them into beauty and the beast of post black metal. Long and epic riffs as in the beginning are just marvellous, essential to power of the band. Almost like a main theme to classic horror game Silent Hill. And still, as they come with new elements, the hell breaks loose completely. They reveal wider side of the band when cumulated ferocity of the guitars and drums take them to their own soundscapes and music impressions. I do not think that those vocals declamation I hear a few times next are for the best. Totally unnecessary from them, sounds underdeveloped and those are a little fall downs of the albums. What I am writing is that other metal vocals are particularly much better here and on the whole album, too. Piano parts are jazzy-like but it just takes seconds to come back, to misty sounding post black metal, the core of what they do best. And with another smooth piano performance they ends the song.
It`s life events intro type song. Just nice music background and the voices of people that deal with everyday life situations. So decent, so like most of us do and so natural...
Has what the old black metal has not as much as TSP. Vital riffs, very lively song writing and brighter atmosphere. However, they still go fast and harsh on guitars and vocals with speed drumming but music remembers new days more that the darker, old ones. The entire song varies from modern black metal to electronic, techno, ambient elements and even progressive metal which I can hear few more times in other songs. So, the band is open for not only black metal influences and diversity is what makes them stronger.
The Old House By The Sea
Begins like melodic death/doom metal with thrash. For about 4 minutes they have lost that music arrogance and magnificent killer instincts, so significant for Departer, Whitehaven songs which are highlights of the album. They eventually come back to the essence of their sound and post metal type of music but I wish I had it much more in this song. They added different mood expressions this time in vocals lines, specifically, it sounds more mysterious and keyboards parts follow the idea, too. The song becomes atmospheric toward the end but in general, it has its ups and downs.
I like 4 out of 5 songs, including intros which is about 80% really great stuff. Also, TSP are much alike if you dig bands like Mgła, Devin Townsend Project, Satyricon...
Review by Slawek Migacz
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Metalmessage • Global PR
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