Temple Of Nihil
Temple Of Nihil released the EP "Soul Extremist" in 2016, “Schadenfreude” is their debut album released last year by the Ukrainian label GrimmDistribution.
I found it harder to get into this album. Most of the songs follow a simple pattern; the band plays some minimalistic, guitar crafts at mid pace, music is in convention of black metal songs and then, they interweave those moments, with faster fragments, in turns, often playing drum blast beats and guitar shreds that come out less creatively for the music. What differ those tracks from each other are just band`s music ideas and, I can't resist the impression that the band just repeat their music formula so, I actually can predict how next song is going to be sound/structured alike.
For me, this album started to have better song writing from the 8th track called All Turns To Nihil where high pitched guitar groove is blossoming and creepy as hell, raspy black metal vocals made all cogs work for this band right now. It`s without a doubt the best track of the album. Next song-To Fireburners is even grimmer than previous one,it really started to get a lot more interesting listening to this album and when the band has began to surprise and play much better songs, it soon ended.
Album also consist of intros, Htrib sounds most unsettling from all of them. Band uses death and black metal vocals – raw shrieks just sound more convincing than growls. Lyrical content: nihilism, Nietzche inspired theories...Beside bassist player in the band, Temple Of Nihil has only one guitarist and album sounds pretty much the way that there is no sense of second axe-man in music of the band. So, Schadenfreude may has no powerful sounding songs but instead, music has more clarity and selectiveness of instruments is better.
I found it harder to get into this album. Most of the songs follow a simple pattern; the band plays some minimalistic, guitar crafts at mid pace, music is in convention of black metal songs and then, they interweave those moments, with faster fragments, in turns, often playing drum blast beats and guitar shreds that come out less creatively for the music. What differ those tracks from each other are just band`s music ideas and, I can't resist the impression that the band just repeat their music formula so, I actually can predict how next song is going to be sound/structured alike.
For me, this album started to have better song writing from the 8th track called All Turns To Nihil where high pitched guitar groove is blossoming and creepy as hell, raspy black metal vocals made all cogs work for this band right now. It`s without a doubt the best track of the album. Next song-To Fireburners is even grimmer than previous one,it really started to get a lot more interesting listening to this album and when the band has began to surprise and play much better songs, it soon ended.
Album also consist of intros, Htrib sounds most unsettling from all of them. Band uses death and black metal vocals – raw shrieks just sound more convincing than growls. Lyrical content: nihilism, Nietzche inspired theories...Beside bassist player in the band, Temple Of Nihil has only one guitarist and album sounds pretty much the way that there is no sense of second axe-man in music of the band. So, Schadenfreude may has no powerful sounding songs but instead, music has more clarity and selectiveness of instruments is better.
1 Descending
2 Into The Slough
3 Ode
4 Schadenfreude
5 Snakes In My Skull
6 Htrib
7 Postbeing
8 All Turns To Nihil
9 To Fireburners
10 With Flames And Chaos
1 Descending
2 Into The Slough
3 Ode
4 Schadenfreude
5 Snakes In My Skull
6 Htrib
7 Postbeing
8 All Turns To Nihil
9 To Fireburners
10 With Flames And Chaos
Review by Slawek Migacz
Added: 28.04.2020
Added: 28.04.2020