Under a Sky Full of Thunder
Svar is one-man band from Kraków/Poland run by Kamil Bolesta. I needed a moment to adjust my mind to rough production of this EP, but quickly, I had no discomfort anymore. It's easy to get used to the murky sounds of guitars, drums and raw, rather death metal vocals. Foremost, it`s because Svara's music is a reward for any imperfections this EP may have when comes to sound engineering.
Title of Under a Sky Full Of Thunder sounds familiar to DarkThrone album but music of Svar is very different from their Norwegian folks. Under a Sky Full of Thunder is raw, yet melodic black metal that grabs me from start to end.
My best song is super crafty, groovy track entitled Sanctified by the Lightning, which absorbs my attention by its dark and little hypnotizing atmosphere. I am truly under the spell of this song.
Second best track is Downfall. For most of time guitar tracks sound so different from each other-harsh black metal ideas on one side, super melodic guitar lines and solos on the other sound so imaginative that I knew that I was going to like the music of Svart.
Luminous, Lethal Force has absolutely beautiful, catchy guitar riffs and a bit melodic death metal dynamics. Everything else is black metal that my ears cannot ignore.
Under A Sky Full Of Thunder is only instrumental track, although it`s very creative piece, with many guitar layers. I recon that having all songs with vocals on the EP would be a better idea, but it`s just my opinion.
I recommend melodic black metal album Under a Sky Full of Thunder by Svar!
Title of Under a Sky Full Of Thunder sounds familiar to DarkThrone album but music of Svar is very different from their Norwegian folks. Under a Sky Full of Thunder is raw, yet melodic black metal that grabs me from start to end.
My best song is super crafty, groovy track entitled Sanctified by the Lightning, which absorbs my attention by its dark and little hypnotizing atmosphere. I am truly under the spell of this song.
Second best track is Downfall. For most of time guitar tracks sound so different from each other-harsh black metal ideas on one side, super melodic guitar lines and solos on the other sound so imaginative that I knew that I was going to like the music of Svart.
Luminous, Lethal Force has absolutely beautiful, catchy guitar riffs and a bit melodic death metal dynamics. Everything else is black metal that my ears cannot ignore.
Under A Sky Full Of Thunder is only instrumental track, although it`s very creative piece, with many guitar layers. I recon that having all songs with vocals on the EP would be a better idea, but it`s just my opinion.
I recommend melodic black metal album Under a Sky Full of Thunder by Svar!
1. Downfall
2. Luminous, lethal force
3. Sanctified by the lightning
4. Under a sky full of thunder
1. Downfall
2. Luminous, lethal force
3. Sanctified by the lightning
4. Under a sky full of thunder
Review by Slawek Migacz
Added: 01.07.2022
Added: 01.07.2022