Starless Domain
Aesthetic Death Records
Here is only one track but almost one hour of music from US band Starless Domain. There are few episodes in this album that change music trajectory (nor really a mood of it). I selected those episodes (clock-wise) so you can match it with my description text below.
Starless Domain is the band playing cosmic black metal in hostile sounding environment and here is how music goes in my opinion...
0.00-3.08 mins.
Very ominous start on synths and frightening voices set psychodelic atmosphere for the album. You could ask yourself a question - how would you feel, if drifting in space, and actually hearing screams? This music sequence sounds like a beginning of paranoia, feeling of claustrophobia...
3.08-10.20 mins.
They are continuing with more unsettling vocals which sound more desperate, trapped in some dimension where there is no way out of that suffering and only terrifying fear. For the first time black metal arrives with its harsh sounding guitars and drum blast beats. Growling vocals slowly begin to break through and adapting into the music...
10.20-17.00 mins.
Music is a bit slower in the beginning but you do not have to wait long when the band plays it a lot faster with rough guitar sound.
17.00-17.32 mins.
Short synths-ambient moment that feels like some unknown species-animals try communicating by using certain sound frequencies, but... I do not think that what it actually is, it`s just what my imagination wants me to believe...
It is important to write that from minute zero of this album, synthesizers are almost constantly present in this long track, creating its danger sounding ambient along with those black metal arrangements. All of it together sounds like thrilling experience, very in the mood of sci-fi, and exactly sci-fi is my mind set when I listen to this colossal EOS song.
It`s a fragment interchanging some ambient moments with black metal episodes or all it go together... Atmosphere is getting tenser with each minute of the album and the vocal screams at this point may become your trauma...
Now, it`s fast black metal on guitars and drums. Much more growls this time around but they are not as good as those tortured screams they figured out for this album. I noticed some tendencies that this band has. They play 1-2 similar guitar riffs for long minutes and change only some drums and synths arrangements around it. Still, I think it`s okey, simpler is better which is what they do in this album.
The album settles down a bit because of acoustic guitars, synths are not intense as it was before but still sound kind of disturbing and mysterious...Screams slowly fade away. For me, it`s like a sign of the end of the album/music...
...But it ends just now. It`s a return to harsh metal sound by the band. They are much more post black metal than traditional Norwegian black metal.
If someday stars will fall from the sky and you want to see what`s behind them. Maybe a sound of this album will lead you there, to free your mind from screams of suffering minds that you can hear here ...
It`s a solid sci-fi black metal/ambient album with production that should be done better.
Starless Domain is the band playing cosmic black metal in hostile sounding environment and here is how music goes in my opinion...
0.00-3.08 mins.
Very ominous start on synths and frightening voices set psychodelic atmosphere for the album. You could ask yourself a question - how would you feel, if drifting in space, and actually hearing screams? This music sequence sounds like a beginning of paranoia, feeling of claustrophobia...
3.08-10.20 mins.
They are continuing with more unsettling vocals which sound more desperate, trapped in some dimension where there is no way out of that suffering and only terrifying fear. For the first time black metal arrives with its harsh sounding guitars and drum blast beats. Growling vocals slowly begin to break through and adapting into the music...
10.20-17.00 mins.
Music is a bit slower in the beginning but you do not have to wait long when the band plays it a lot faster with rough guitar sound.
17.00-17.32 mins.
Short synths-ambient moment that feels like some unknown species-animals try communicating by using certain sound frequencies, but... I do not think that what it actually is, it`s just what my imagination wants me to believe...
It is important to write that from minute zero of this album, synthesizers are almost constantly present in this long track, creating its danger sounding ambient along with those black metal arrangements. All of it together sounds like thrilling experience, very in the mood of sci-fi, and exactly sci-fi is my mind set when I listen to this colossal EOS song.
It`s a fragment interchanging some ambient moments with black metal episodes or all it go together... Atmosphere is getting tenser with each minute of the album and the vocal screams at this point may become your trauma...
Now, it`s fast black metal on guitars and drums. Much more growls this time around but they are not as good as those tortured screams they figured out for this album. I noticed some tendencies that this band has. They play 1-2 similar guitar riffs for long minutes and change only some drums and synths arrangements around it. Still, I think it`s okey, simpler is better which is what they do in this album.
The album settles down a bit because of acoustic guitars, synths are not intense as it was before but still sound kind of disturbing and mysterious...Screams slowly fade away. For me, it`s like a sign of the end of the album/music...
...But it ends just now. It`s a return to harsh metal sound by the band. They are much more post black metal than traditional Norwegian black metal.
If someday stars will fall from the sky and you want to see what`s behind them. Maybe a sound of this album will lead you there, to free your mind from screams of suffering minds that you can hear here ...
It`s a solid sci-fi black metal/ambient album with production that should be done better.
Review by Slawek Migacz
Added: 15.12.2019
Added: 15.12.2019