Satanath Records / Kryrart Records
Setoml is Ukrainian black metal band. When I think about title of the album and front cover, it brings a word masquerade to my head, like a mind riddle...
I decided it will be an experimental review. I pointed out best momentums in each song of the album, but you must listen to the music to find out if you whether like it or not. I thought it would be the best and fastest way to experience their songs better, if you are new to their music. You can find my favourite time periods below. Album is available for streaming in case if you`d like to follow up my trial.
I think it`s black metal record you should at least to give a try, the only thing I dislike are non organic sound of drums.
I decided it will be an experimental review. I pointed out best momentums in each song of the album, but you must listen to the music to find out if you whether like it or not. I thought it would be the best and fastest way to experience their songs better, if you are new to their music. You can find my favourite time periods below. Album is available for streaming in case if you`d like to follow up my trial.
I think it`s black metal record you should at least to give a try, the only thing I dislike are non organic sound of drums.
- 1.56 mins-2.24 mins; 2.43 mins-3.22 mins.
- 00.00 mins-0.48 mins (sequence later repeats)
- 00.38 mins-2.14 mins (some sequences later repeat)
- 01.25 mins-06.02 mins
- 00.00 mins-1.28 mins
- 00.00 mins-1.32 mins (sequence later repeats); 3.32 mins-4.10 mins
- 4.42 mins-5.14 mins. Just my least favourite song of the album
- 00.00 mins-0.53 mins; 2.18 mins-3.01 mins; 3.23 mins-4.58 mins
1 Flames (Язики полум'я)
2 In The Cold Eyes (В холодних очах)
3 In The Gray Field Of Hope (В сивім полі сподівань)
4 Thousands Shimmering Souls (1000 мерехтливих крил)
5 By The Dark Lake (Біля темного озера)
6 Night Dance (Нічний танець)
7 Their Wings Are Gray Like Spirits (Їхні крила сірі, немов духи)
8 The Shadows Path (Шлях тiней)
1 Flames (Язики полум'я)
2 In The Cold Eyes (В холодних очах)
3 In The Gray Field Of Hope (В сивім полі сподівань)
4 Thousands Shimmering Souls (1000 мерехтливих крил)
5 By The Dark Lake (Біля темного озера)
6 Night Dance (Нічний танець)
7 Their Wings Are Gray Like Spirits (Їхні крила сірі, немов духи)
8 The Shadows Path (Шлях тiней)
Review by Slawek Migacz
Added: 17.11.2020
Added: 17.11.2020