Des Mondes Staub
Talheim Records
Listening to this album is a thrill. The guitar sound of this band is so cold that just thinking about it could turn into a pillar of ice. The band`s frosty guitar storms are deadly freezing. This album has something sinister from Immortal songs, which I usually refer to when I hear the winter-aura black metal albums like Des Mondes Staub. The drumming speed is often a high tempo which makes the album sound purely extreme, only that Seelenfrost is also about darker melodies in music, however, all is spell bounded within a fierce black metal sound of theirs and atmo-aggressive style of song writing. Significant features of the album are tearing up the Sun vocals, high guitar tone and hellishly pounding drums. Cold as Arctic night sound of the album chills me to the bones while I am experiencing this Norwegian style of black metal again that actually never becomes outdated when performed as ferociously as it`s being done by this German band.
So, here you go - Des Mondes Staub by Seelenfrost is the extreme, majestic, fast and grim black metal album with plenty of guitar shreds, blast beats, crow alike vocals and melodies of dismal origin - which can be heard in some songs.
So, here you go - Des Mondes Staub by Seelenfrost is the extreme, majestic, fast and grim black metal album with plenty of guitar shreds, blast beats, crow alike vocals and melodies of dismal origin - which can be heard in some songs.
1. Des Mondes Staub
2. Vanth
3. In ewiger Asche
4. Im Dickicht
5. Bildnis
6. Sinnessturm
7. Sternenpfad
8. Brach
9. Zeitenwanderer
10. Dunstger Hauch
11. Die Kollision der Zeit
12. Ritus
1. Des Mondes Staub
2. Vanth
3. In ewiger Asche
4. Im Dickicht
5. Bildnis
6. Sinnessturm
7. Sternenpfad
8. Brach
9. Zeitenwanderer
10. Dunstger Hauch
11. Die Kollision der Zeit
12. Ritus
Review by Slawek Migacz
Added: 23.07.2020
Added: 23.07.2020
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Talheim records
Talheim records