Brotherhood Of Chaos
Evil`s Records
Satanath Records
South American Sectasys is a representative of satanic black metal. Their music is driven by fast and raw guitars shreds. Death and annihilation is a dominion of their merciless and hyper fast drum blast beats and triggers in almost every song. All vocals and lyrics are radical and searches the darkest layers of human mind. I sort of like those hateful vocals here which sound even more diabolical, any time when English words are mixed with foreign accent, in this record it`s Spanish. I can appreciate clean, operatic female vocals that appear on the album very few times in songs like Chaos Signal, The Goddess Of Death and other track. I can`t (and I do not want to) deny a fact that almost entire album sounds like a war has never stops in heads of this trio. In this album evil prevails spiritually over everything that violates integrity of individuals who need no religious cults and communities to exist and think for themselves. It`s the album that stands against religion morality as it is false as it`s disastrous for human race.
Brotherhood Of Chaos is a bit like demo era of Mayhem/Marduk, Sarcofago, you name it. It`s fucking brutal, speed and harsh black metal record that has low quality music offerings but they just do not compromise it much with any sweet metal ideas that would not fit their music hatred and ferocity. However they were able to smuggle a few melodic moments to some of the songs.
The music vibe of the record is united by chaos of European and South American music scenes. In my opinion, it`s good underground album, A vomit of worms against religious dogma and their scum that slow down a progress about universal thinking about human race. They try to gain your trust by giving the album sort of realm about old legends, personal views on subject of dark matter but foremost, it`s total music destruction and black metal storm.
Sectasys, from Venezuela, check them out.
UrukHai (Voc)
Lord Alastor (Guitars/Bass)
Njörth (Drums)
Chaos Signal (Intro)
I Am The Dark God
Sacrilege Of Christian Souls
Destroyers Of Humanity
Brotherhood Of Chaos
Renaissance Of Evil & Chaos
Emissaries Of Death
Garden Of Blood
Masters Of War
The Goddess Of Death (Kali)
Arma Skin [Bonus Track]
Review by Slawek Migacz
Brotherhood Of Chaos is a bit like demo era of Mayhem/Marduk, Sarcofago, you name it. It`s fucking brutal, speed and harsh black metal record that has low quality music offerings but they just do not compromise it much with any sweet metal ideas that would not fit their music hatred and ferocity. However they were able to smuggle a few melodic moments to some of the songs.
The music vibe of the record is united by chaos of European and South American music scenes. In my opinion, it`s good underground album, A vomit of worms against religious dogma and their scum that slow down a progress about universal thinking about human race. They try to gain your trust by giving the album sort of realm about old legends, personal views on subject of dark matter but foremost, it`s total music destruction and black metal storm.
Sectasys, from Venezuela, check them out.
UrukHai (Voc)
Lord Alastor (Guitars/Bass)
Njörth (Drums)
Chaos Signal (Intro)
I Am The Dark God
Sacrilege Of Christian Souls
Destroyers Of Humanity
Brotherhood Of Chaos
Renaissance Of Evil & Chaos
Emissaries Of Death
Garden Of Blood
Masters Of War
The Goddess Of Death (Kali)
Arma Skin [Bonus Track]
Review by Slawek Migacz