Polynove Pole
On The Edge Of The Abyss
Polynove Pole is Ukrainian metal band and the EP consists of 5 tracks of atmospheric doom metal which is slightly influenced by dark and gothic music. The first song that starts off the material shows the band`s professional approach to the production and the sound of this mini album. It makes the music much better to listen to because all other tracks are similarly enjoyable. The songs are full of emotional shades which involve sorrow, sadness, loneliness but also beauty and hope it carries in. They can make that the sky above your head turns grey because the songs are very in the vein of doom metal a`la My Dying Bride, Cemetery Of Scream, Leave`s Eyes with heavy sounding guitars that sometimes take little death metal paths. Growling vocals are very well done while female sopranos with strong operatic tendencies are the real flavor of the music. The band also uses keyboards to reach out for more music depth, to hit emotional side of your personality which people like to hide.
On The Edge Of The Abyss also delivers more music splendor, songs even if a little strained, are dynamic and entertaining. And it`s not one of those dreadful doom metal albums that by music, want to throw you into open grave because they offers nothing but misery (only few bands know how to make misery actually works in music industry).
Polynove Pole sounds good on this EP from start to end. If you want to find out if atmospheric doom metal still does something to you, you should check the band out because they are at their best yet to come.
There is an bonus disc added to the release which is very well produced live material entitled: Live On The Edge Of The Abyss. It includes most of tracks from the EP and few other extra songs. I have to write that this live material sounds pretty good.
1 Сивий Ангел
2 Каїнові Діти
3 Вогні В Тумані
4 Нічні Птахи (Remake 2017)
5 On The Edge Of The Abyss
Live On The Edge Of The Abyss:
1 Intro & Під Холодним Каменем
2 Та, Що Танцує На Могилах
3 Сивий Ангел
4 Нічні Птахи
5 Відьма
6 Каїнові Діти
7 One The Edge Of The Abyss
8 На Семи Вітрах
On The Edge Of The Abyss also delivers more music splendor, songs even if a little strained, are dynamic and entertaining. And it`s not one of those dreadful doom metal albums that by music, want to throw you into open grave because they offers nothing but misery (only few bands know how to make misery actually works in music industry).
Polynove Pole sounds good on this EP from start to end. If you want to find out if atmospheric doom metal still does something to you, you should check the band out because they are at their best yet to come.
There is an bonus disc added to the release which is very well produced live material entitled: Live On The Edge Of The Abyss. It includes most of tracks from the EP and few other extra songs. I have to write that this live material sounds pretty good.
1 Сивий Ангел
2 Каїнові Діти
3 Вогні В Тумані
4 Нічні Птахи (Remake 2017)
5 On The Edge Of The Abyss
Live On The Edge Of The Abyss:
1 Intro & Під Холодним Каменем
2 Та, Що Танцує На Могилах
3 Сивий Ангел
4 Нічні Птахи
5 Відьма
6 Каїнові Діти
7 One The Edge Of The Abyss
8 На Семи Вітрах
Review by Slawek Migacz
Added: 08.04.2019
Added: 08.04.2019