Satanath Records
Cimmerian Shade Recordings
Murdher Records
Black Plague Records
After short introduction to the album which is The Cords Of Sheol (Morbid Angel first time to mention), quickly comes next track.
This song is literally packed with some heavy as fuck Morbid Angel riffs but it`s really something to dig on. It`s the track called Faceless and I have nothing against that vocals, guitars and everything else that sounds like Morbid Angel. At this very moment I know that the sound for this album is just like title of this record. This track, with a speed of light made me so that now, I am into it very much. They are able to bring some atmosphere to the music, just by playing on standard instruments which is often sophisticated and just incredible the way they approach this and other songs.
This track is as powerful as death metal can go and slower moments are just amazing.
Rebirth Of The Overthrown is a bit faster song with crazy technical riffs ala Decapitated but it`s also intense and brutal track.
The Pillars Of Heracles is a bit like music of Bolt Thrower but Neter version of this death metal is significantly faster. I know, I compared them to another band, but so far, this album sounds like something I heard before and I can`t help it. I just have to tell you again. Infernus, up to this point is really crushing album and it does not matter that they sound sometimes like other bands.
Blazing Fallout, oh, the build-up and atmosphere they create for the whole song is amazing. Starting off from heavy riffs to faster guitar passages and even more complex until they end the song which is a bit as they started it to play . What they do here is just what I want to hear which is kind of what they do in next track – Atlantis Of The Sands - another brutal track of theirs.
Galvanize, Primorial Entity, Endemic Warfare are all technical songs. Vocals they arranged here are very into type of growling vocalists and the music is wild and ferocious. These are type of songs that you can find in circles of Morbid angel, Decapitated, Nile and such but Neter is pretty much from the very same death metal league if you mind quality of music.
The album is closed by The Eye Of Sirius which reminds me song Faceless when comes to pace and their attempts to build-up ancient atmospherics that lies beneath their music.
Drumming here is over the top and guitar solos consistently very good throughout the album. I have heard barely very few Spanish bands but I think Neter is possibly best of them. I recommend to everyone this death metal record.
Line up:
Manuel Gestoso: Vocals & Guitars
Andrés Rosales: Bass
Manuel Sánchez: Guitars
Luis Ruiz: Drums
1.The Cords Of Sheol 01:01
2.Faceless 05:42
3.Rebirth Of The Overthrown 04:49
4.The Pillars Of Heracles 04:42
5.Blazing Fallout 05:13
6.Atlantis Of The Sands 04:17
7.Galvanize 04:41
8.Primordial Entity 04:25
9.Endemic Warfare 05:19
10.The Eye Of Sirius 06:16
Review by Slawek Migacz
This song is literally packed with some heavy as fuck Morbid Angel riffs but it`s really something to dig on. It`s the track called Faceless and I have nothing against that vocals, guitars and everything else that sounds like Morbid Angel. At this very moment I know that the sound for this album is just like title of this record. This track, with a speed of light made me so that now, I am into it very much. They are able to bring some atmosphere to the music, just by playing on standard instruments which is often sophisticated and just incredible the way they approach this and other songs.
This track is as powerful as death metal can go and slower moments are just amazing.
Rebirth Of The Overthrown is a bit faster song with crazy technical riffs ala Decapitated but it`s also intense and brutal track.
The Pillars Of Heracles is a bit like music of Bolt Thrower but Neter version of this death metal is significantly faster. I know, I compared them to another band, but so far, this album sounds like something I heard before and I can`t help it. I just have to tell you again. Infernus, up to this point is really crushing album and it does not matter that they sound sometimes like other bands.
Blazing Fallout, oh, the build-up and atmosphere they create for the whole song is amazing. Starting off from heavy riffs to faster guitar passages and even more complex until they end the song which is a bit as they started it to play . What they do here is just what I want to hear which is kind of what they do in next track – Atlantis Of The Sands - another brutal track of theirs.
Galvanize, Primorial Entity, Endemic Warfare are all technical songs. Vocals they arranged here are very into type of growling vocalists and the music is wild and ferocious. These are type of songs that you can find in circles of Morbid angel, Decapitated, Nile and such but Neter is pretty much from the very same death metal league if you mind quality of music.
The album is closed by The Eye Of Sirius which reminds me song Faceless when comes to pace and their attempts to build-up ancient atmospherics that lies beneath their music.
Drumming here is over the top and guitar solos consistently very good throughout the album. I have heard barely very few Spanish bands but I think Neter is possibly best of them. I recommend to everyone this death metal record.
Line up:
Manuel Gestoso: Vocals & Guitars
Andrés Rosales: Bass
Manuel Sánchez: Guitars
Luis Ruiz: Drums
1.The Cords Of Sheol 01:01
2.Faceless 05:42
3.Rebirth Of The Overthrown 04:49
4.The Pillars Of Heracles 04:42
5.Blazing Fallout 05:13
6.Atlantis Of The Sands 04:17
7.Galvanize 04:41
8.Primordial Entity 04:25
9.Endemic Warfare 05:19
10.The Eye Of Sirius 06:16
Review by Slawek Migacz
Cimmerian Shade Recordings
Murdher Records
Black Plague Records
Cimmerian Shade Recordings
Murdher Records
Black Plague Records