Sliptrick Records
Piotr Sobaszek (R.I.P. - 1970-2019)
Piotr was known by playing in many bands (S.O.S!, Different World, Total Human Distortion...) but memories of him are in music that he left behind. His greatest achievement seems the time when he was in Necrophobic (PL). I met him personally in 1992.
Necro should be considered his project/band because Sobaszek was the person who wrote all music and played on all instruments that you can hear on Propaganda. His music partner in Necro was Bart Płaszewski whose vocals you can hear on the album. They also invited other singer to do vocals in 2 tracks. Propaganda was recorded in Piotrek`s home studio, in 2018, and the outcome of album production is professional.
Piotr did not go away from his thrash metal roots but album does not repeat his past music achievements. Necro made music on their own terms. Propaganda is kind of combining thrash with hard core or some people could say thrash core or modern thrash. The way they wrote music on Propaganda is original. They do not play straight forwards thrash metal songs that you would expect but I think it`s okey - they do not sound as much the same as million other bands.
My favorite songs are Toothless Zombie which sounds kind of funny on refrains, even if it`s a serious song with aggressive approach and some thrash and death metal vocals. In this song (also in Propaganda), they remind me of Acid Drinkers - their middle discography.
They go with heavy riffs in America track which has interesting guitar leads. It`s simpler song but they nailed it, in their own, Necro way.
No Mercy has a pissed off lyrics. One element I like here particularly are wailing choruses of the vocalist whose voice sounds like caricature of Ian Gillan after sleepless nights or few drinks. I think it sounds very, very cool(!) - not much like in 70`s but some...
In Fight Against GMO you can hear either melodic and aggressive singing, breaking guitars riffs and some twists in music that make a beginning of this album very good to listen to.
Superhero is the song that is diverse and rich in many guitar ideas that bring a lot of variety to the song itself the way that they sound original, not much like other bands...
...I love you, I love another incredible refrain that they bring in song Too Late and even if they are not always flawless with music, there are moments like this one where they are.
There are two songs (9,10) that breaks the music consistency of the album. These are more straight punk songs. In my opinion, these tracks should not be included on this album because they sound like other band, especially due to punk/hardcore vocals of Leszek Ganiek. It`s still okey if you like punk music but I think these songs do not belong here.
Propaganda is the good album. Necro sounds little funny at times but adorable. They play melodic stuff as well, and they are more thrashy than thrash. I do not think that they followed music trends to write music on the album so, it`s kind of special record for me because of original music approach to the songs that they did sometimes .
I put this album next to Necrophobic (RIP) which I think make sense.
Piotr was known by playing in many bands (S.O.S!, Different World, Total Human Distortion...) but memories of him are in music that he left behind. His greatest achievement seems the time when he was in Necrophobic (PL). I met him personally in 1992.
Necro should be considered his project/band because Sobaszek was the person who wrote all music and played on all instruments that you can hear on Propaganda. His music partner in Necro was Bart Płaszewski whose vocals you can hear on the album. They also invited other singer to do vocals in 2 tracks. Propaganda was recorded in Piotrek`s home studio, in 2018, and the outcome of album production is professional.
Piotr did not go away from his thrash metal roots but album does not repeat his past music achievements. Necro made music on their own terms. Propaganda is kind of combining thrash with hard core or some people could say thrash core or modern thrash. The way they wrote music on Propaganda is original. They do not play straight forwards thrash metal songs that you would expect but I think it`s okey - they do not sound as much the same as million other bands.
My favorite songs are Toothless Zombie which sounds kind of funny on refrains, even if it`s a serious song with aggressive approach and some thrash and death metal vocals. In this song (also in Propaganda), they remind me of Acid Drinkers - their middle discography.
They go with heavy riffs in America track which has interesting guitar leads. It`s simpler song but they nailed it, in their own, Necro way.
No Mercy has a pissed off lyrics. One element I like here particularly are wailing choruses of the vocalist whose voice sounds like caricature of Ian Gillan after sleepless nights or few drinks. I think it sounds very, very cool(!) - not much like in 70`s but some...
In Fight Against GMO you can hear either melodic and aggressive singing, breaking guitars riffs and some twists in music that make a beginning of this album very good to listen to.
Superhero is the song that is diverse and rich in many guitar ideas that bring a lot of variety to the song itself the way that they sound original, not much like other bands...
...I love you, I love another incredible refrain that they bring in song Too Late and even if they are not always flawless with music, there are moments like this one where they are.
There are two songs (9,10) that breaks the music consistency of the album. These are more straight punk songs. In my opinion, these tracks should not be included on this album because they sound like other band, especially due to punk/hardcore vocals of Leszek Ganiek. It`s still okey if you like punk music but I think these songs do not belong here.
Propaganda is the good album. Necro sounds little funny at times but adorable. They play melodic stuff as well, and they are more thrashy than thrash. I do not think that they followed music trends to write music on the album so, it`s kind of special record for me because of original music approach to the songs that they did sometimes .
I put this album next to Necrophobic (RIP) which I think make sense.
1. Toothless Zombie
2. America
3. No Mercy
4. In My Old Age
5. Fight Against GMO
6. We Are The Same
7. Superhero
8. Propaganda
9. Chamy I Złodjeje
10. Chwalcie Potęgę Pieniądza
11. Too Late
1. Toothless Zombie
2. America
3. No Mercy
4. In My Old Age
5. Fight Against GMO
6. We Are The Same
7. Superhero
8. Propaganda
9. Chamy I Złodjeje
10. Chwalcie Potęgę Pieniądza
11. Too Late
Review by Slawek Migacz
Added: 24.07.2019
Added: 24.07.2019