Obraz Pozorny
I could not stop listening to Obraz Pozorny once I`ve started to deal with their music in my head. It`s really good album from top to bottom and I feel a need to come back to it any time I can. Quite frankly, the music of Mastemey is pretty close to my favorite bands, just none of those bands have Polish lyrics. Now keep attention. This album has amazing groove which absorbs you like ocean waves. Music is based on blistering thrash metal riffs which are intense but also can be atmospheric and even progressive at times. Tracks sound a bit futuristic, have dystopian-psychological reflections over a sense of human nature and how humanity behave under regular and irregular stereotypes of society. A vocalist sings with no thrash nor punk tone to his vocals but something that sounds in between. I needed some time to adjust to his voice just as I did to Snake from Voivod, long time ago. Unfortunately, I do not know names of Mastemey members and the vocalists. No band`s line up was mentioned in CD booklet which is a shame that brings a question!... Why don`t you support yourself by name?...
They sound pretty damn heavy and modern, not nearly as good as Gojira but solid. The album is well balanced, has several aggressive songs, some climatic songs with two or three catchy moments on guitars and vocals. The album is sometimes melodic but it`s not factor that dominates in their music as yet. Mastemey belongs to those bands that I circle around music of Gojira, Sober Truth, Megadeth, Acid Drinkers which seem a strong inspirations, right? Mastemey knows how to use those influences to create their own music language which is believable. The other good thing is that I haven`t heard any Polish band that plays similarly to Mastemey so... I am digging this band and the album. I am finding new elements in their songs over time by which they sound more and more convincing to me. Basically, music of Mastemey becomes something that I start to recognize among crowded scene offerings, thank to this very album that does not pops out every day on other label rosters. My recommendations for this band!
They sound pretty damn heavy and modern, not nearly as good as Gojira but solid. The album is well balanced, has several aggressive songs, some climatic songs with two or three catchy moments on guitars and vocals. The album is sometimes melodic but it`s not factor that dominates in their music as yet. Mastemey belongs to those bands that I circle around music of Gojira, Sober Truth, Megadeth, Acid Drinkers which seem a strong inspirations, right? Mastemey knows how to use those influences to create their own music language which is believable. The other good thing is that I haven`t heard any Polish band that plays similarly to Mastemey so... I am digging this band and the album. I am finding new elements in their songs over time by which they sound more and more convincing to me. Basically, music of Mastemey becomes something that I start to recognize among crowded scene offerings, thank to this very album that does not pops out every day on other label rosters. My recommendations for this band!
1 Osoba pogardy
2 Nasz upadły
3 Podróż jedenasta
4 Wątła wola
5 Sumienie stłumione
6 Kadzi pusta rewolucja
7 Well Song
8 Cyfrowi
1 Osoba pogardy
2 Nasz upadły
3 Podróż jedenasta
4 Wątła wola
5 Sumienie stłumione
6 Kadzi pusta rewolucja
7 Well Song
8 Cyfrowi
Review by Slawek Migacz
Added: 27.01.2020
Added: 27.01.2020