Johnny O'Neil
Truth or Dare
Truth Or Dare is a solo album of Johnny O`Neil who was previously known from a legendary, hard rock band Dare Force, based in Minneapolis.
When I first watched a video to the single Snake In The Grass which I think is a great song with catchy guitar lead that sort of remind me 70`s Judas Priest vibes... I knew at once that the album could hide more surprises and I was not wrong. First three songs as you can see them on the track list are absolutely hits. While Snake In The Grass amazes me with rhythmic guitar, melodies and solos, Comin’ for You is transparently a love toward fans of Deep Purple, especially 80`s era. Massive guitar riffs and top notch melodic vocals here with easy to follow choruses is the hard rock that you won`t resist. I have to write that Johnny`s vocal sound is as good as Gillan`s from Deep Purple. I love lyrical easiness of next track which is TellMeWhatYouThinkYouKnow. Song features kind of southern rock guitar solos and little intricate structures but it`s just another tune of this album that is the highlight. These 3 songs are rockin` heavy metal that made me love this album.
First though that popped up in my head after listening to track Down and Round (melodic rock track with acoustic guitar) was that this song could belong to soundrack of some funny comedy movie.The shape of the song and flammable melodies just keeps me in a good mood.
Ode to Mark is an instrumental track played on acoustic guitar. I like pure acoustic sound of this instrument. It`s so different from other distorted guitar sounds but it`s just as good and creative as guitarists can be - a good, not over the top song.
Song Temple features Danny Peyronel – original UFO keyboardist who plays here some tasty arrangements on Hammond organ. You can imagine that it does not sound like from our era, it`s just modern studio production of this album make this all sound like it was. Once again, Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin influences can be heard in the song, the point is that Johnny O'Neil gave their music own character and flamboyance, almost everywhere on the album.
Red Suns in the Sky is groovy and more dynamic song than previous one. Heavy guitar riffs go with melodic vocal verses and choruses that are easy to sing along (all album is like you could sing with the vocalist and have a great time).
You have to hear a new make of The Beatles song called Revolution! There is so much fun and joy of playing music in this classic piece, played by Johnny O'Neil. Piano in the song sound fantastic.
World Run Amuck is in my opinion the fourth hit of the album (the five one is The Beatles cover). It`s only instrumental song but plenty of thriving guitar solos and a bit psychedelic rhythm section make up for the lack of vocals that basically could not be here.
When I first watched a video to the single Snake In The Grass which I think is a great song with catchy guitar lead that sort of remind me 70`s Judas Priest vibes... I knew at once that the album could hide more surprises and I was not wrong. First three songs as you can see them on the track list are absolutely hits. While Snake In The Grass amazes me with rhythmic guitar, melodies and solos, Comin’ for You is transparently a love toward fans of Deep Purple, especially 80`s era. Massive guitar riffs and top notch melodic vocals here with easy to follow choruses is the hard rock that you won`t resist. I have to write that Johnny`s vocal sound is as good as Gillan`s from Deep Purple. I love lyrical easiness of next track which is TellMeWhatYouThinkYouKnow. Song features kind of southern rock guitar solos and little intricate structures but it`s just another tune of this album that is the highlight. These 3 songs are rockin` heavy metal that made me love this album.
First though that popped up in my head after listening to track Down and Round (melodic rock track with acoustic guitar) was that this song could belong to soundrack of some funny comedy movie.The shape of the song and flammable melodies just keeps me in a good mood.
Ode to Mark is an instrumental track played on acoustic guitar. I like pure acoustic sound of this instrument. It`s so different from other distorted guitar sounds but it`s just as good and creative as guitarists can be - a good, not over the top song.
Song Temple features Danny Peyronel – original UFO keyboardist who plays here some tasty arrangements on Hammond organ. You can imagine that it does not sound like from our era, it`s just modern studio production of this album make this all sound like it was. Once again, Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin influences can be heard in the song, the point is that Johnny O'Neil gave their music own character and flamboyance, almost everywhere on the album.
Red Suns in the Sky is groovy and more dynamic song than previous one. Heavy guitar riffs go with melodic vocal verses and choruses that are easy to sing along (all album is like you could sing with the vocalist and have a great time).
You have to hear a new make of The Beatles song called Revolution! There is so much fun and joy of playing music in this classic piece, played by Johnny O'Neil. Piano in the song sound fantastic.
World Run Amuck is in my opinion the fourth hit of the album (the five one is The Beatles cover). It`s only instrumental song but plenty of thriving guitar solos and a bit psychedelic rhythm section make up for the lack of vocals that basically could not be here.
1. Snake In the Grass
2. Comin’ for You
3. TellMeWhatYouThinkYouKnow
4. Down and Round
5. Ode to Mark
6. Temple
7. Red Suns in the Sky
8. Revolution
9. World Run Amuck
1. Snake In the Grass
2. Comin’ for You
3. TellMeWhatYouThinkYouKnow
4. Down and Round
5. Ode to Mark
6. Temple
7. Red Suns in the Sky
8. Revolution
9. World Run Amuck
Review by Slawek Migacz
Added: 13.03.2021
Added: 13.03.2021
Music video and order links at this location
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