Human Cull
Stillborn Nation – CD EveryDayHate Records
Another band I have never heard about as I always think that Napalm Death is very challenging and everlasting musically, so I do not need other projects to dig. No, I do not reject Human Cull for fuck sake. I found the band very decent and their heavy music keeps me up quite easily. Album is tight, and there`s pretty much everything in good death grind should strike, without making it overdone. Blast beats, solid growl vocals and a little bit industrial are just well done by musicians that know how to make things work. Sound is pretty brutal and convincing. Lyrics are quite radical, gory, persecuting social imperfections and human stupidity. I do not think all this matter but at least for some out there those issues are real. I put this band next to my favourite grind core records and see how it goes.
Review by Slawek Migacz
Review by Slawek Migacz