Germ Bomb
Under A Fading Sun Area Death Productions CD
I knew the things gonna blow out soon or later. I am a witness of reviewing most interesting bands to date and another one is Swedish Germ Bomb and they are from nowhere but Goteborg – a place that electrifying by just saying a word.
This is band`s 3rd album and gets my attention at once as I just can`t reject that rock`n`roll, trans, heavy death`roll sounding Scandinavian albums. You know, full lenghs like Uprising and Inferno of Entombed are in my cup of tea and Germ Bomb transform those glorious notes to sound recognizable just for UAFS album. This CD is just great, has win to win melodic yet dirty and grumpy songs. When you would think they can`t do it any better, another track bury you for bad. They hunt you down till the end and you can`t resist to play it one more time.
Lyrics of the band dealing not with filthiness, hunger, thirst and religious toxicity, literally spitting your face by ugliness of the world and its dark side. Of course, this is heavy metal and the more you hit the stronger you are. Germ Bomb-welcome the band and thank you for signing the album for me Vikings!
Review by Slawek Migacz
Under A Fading Sun Area Death Productions CD
I knew the things gonna blow out soon or later. I am a witness of reviewing most interesting bands to date and another one is Swedish Germ Bomb and they are from nowhere but Goteborg – a place that electrifying by just saying a word.
This is band`s 3rd album and gets my attention at once as I just can`t reject that rock`n`roll, trans, heavy death`roll sounding Scandinavian albums. You know, full lenghs like Uprising and Inferno of Entombed are in my cup of tea and Germ Bomb transform those glorious notes to sound recognizable just for UAFS album. This CD is just great, has win to win melodic yet dirty and grumpy songs. When you would think they can`t do it any better, another track bury you for bad. They hunt you down till the end and you can`t resist to play it one more time.
Lyrics of the band dealing not with filthiness, hunger, thirst and religious toxicity, literally spitting your face by ugliness of the world and its dark side. Of course, this is heavy metal and the more you hit the stronger you are. Germ Bomb-welcome the band and thank you for signing the album for me Vikings!
Review by Slawek Migacz