Ethir Anduin
Pathway To Eternity. The Agony
Ethir Anduin (Rus) was founded by Alexey Veselov aka Fenrir in 2006. Fenrir does all music for the band instrumentally and this album sound kind of genius when think about this. A main vocalist for the band is a female singer, Luka.
This is a very long record, lasting well over 70 minutes, and I think that it is worth devoting time to their music as the songs sound pretty diverse in terms of metal genres and emotions that they genuinely mixed in, which gives various musical outcome. Album also has very good production quality.
Pathway To Eternity. The Agony combines black and death metal together but album does not has a strict death or black metal songs, something more in between - perhaps blackened death metal is the best description... From there, music hits a crossroad of genres: post black metal, chunky death core, melo-brutal, experimental death metal... It`s not really progressive album but if they have had pushed it one step forward toward this direction, I`d be very close to say that it is.
Tracks that represents black metal/post black and death metal influences in the band are songs like Awareness Of The Frailty Of Being and Last Struggle, with some guitar groove added to the equation.
Blazing blackened death metal with some technical death metal guitars is a track Eternal Shining Star.
Beneath The Ruins is an experimental death and black metal with clean and brutal vocals, as everywhere on the album.
Crushingly heavy track is The Universe Hears Everything that leans toward death/core/doom and experimental and fast black metal.
A song entitled The Agony starts off pretty much like a slow, ominous doom metal but there is a significant change in music which adds complex-some, blackened death metal and brutal&melodic leads. Very good guitar solos in this track.
More heavy, melo-doom/death metal song is a third one on the track list, which has some amazing black metal riffs too.
There are more structured, layered and intense guitar work in music or moments of complete easiness, so you need to focus on what is happening on this album, in order to enjoy of what you just heard. Music wise, it is certainly a very rich album. You can`t be sure what comes next in their songs, they crafted and diversified them to void repeatability. I personally got hooked to this album by a fact that they do not always deliver anything too obvious musically, which for instance is an arrhythmia that they do to their tracks by changing a pace of songa, while music is just intense and flourishing mix of metal genres that sound modern by the sound..It`s not easy to stick a label to their songs and say to what genre this record belongs to, which I like.
Songs have variety of vocals as well. What is very characteristic about them is that you may hear melodic vocals where you not necessarily expected them to be, and of course, there are also extreme vocals all over the album, such as guttural growls, screams, whispers (a bit too much of it in songs) which all impact songs with emotionally driven twist and dose of brutality mixed with melo-melancholic parts. There is a good balance and diversity in vocals but have to write right now that drums and bass sound amazing too. All guitar work is essential for a character of their songs which is complex extreme metal but the one that sounds very much accessible to my ears.
It is challenging to listen to this record, I`ve done it many times now.
This is a very long record, lasting well over 70 minutes, and I think that it is worth devoting time to their music as the songs sound pretty diverse in terms of metal genres and emotions that they genuinely mixed in, which gives various musical outcome. Album also has very good production quality.
Pathway To Eternity. The Agony combines black and death metal together but album does not has a strict death or black metal songs, something more in between - perhaps blackened death metal is the best description... From there, music hits a crossroad of genres: post black metal, chunky death core, melo-brutal, experimental death metal... It`s not really progressive album but if they have had pushed it one step forward toward this direction, I`d be very close to say that it is.
Tracks that represents black metal/post black and death metal influences in the band are songs like Awareness Of The Frailty Of Being and Last Struggle, with some guitar groove added to the equation.
Blazing blackened death metal with some technical death metal guitars is a track Eternal Shining Star.
Beneath The Ruins is an experimental death and black metal with clean and brutal vocals, as everywhere on the album.
Crushingly heavy track is The Universe Hears Everything that leans toward death/core/doom and experimental and fast black metal.
A song entitled The Agony starts off pretty much like a slow, ominous doom metal but there is a significant change in music which adds complex-some, blackened death metal and brutal&melodic leads. Very good guitar solos in this track.
More heavy, melo-doom/death metal song is a third one on the track list, which has some amazing black metal riffs too.
There are more structured, layered and intense guitar work in music or moments of complete easiness, so you need to focus on what is happening on this album, in order to enjoy of what you just heard. Music wise, it is certainly a very rich album. You can`t be sure what comes next in their songs, they crafted and diversified them to void repeatability. I personally got hooked to this album by a fact that they do not always deliver anything too obvious musically, which for instance is an arrhythmia that they do to their tracks by changing a pace of songa, while music is just intense and flourishing mix of metal genres that sound modern by the sound..It`s not easy to stick a label to their songs and say to what genre this record belongs to, which I like.
Songs have variety of vocals as well. What is very characteristic about them is that you may hear melodic vocals where you not necessarily expected them to be, and of course, there are also extreme vocals all over the album, such as guttural growls, screams, whispers (a bit too much of it in songs) which all impact songs with emotionally driven twist and dose of brutality mixed with melo-melancholic parts. There is a good balance and diversity in vocals but have to write right now that drums and bass sound amazing too. All guitar work is essential for a character of their songs which is complex extreme metal but the one that sounds very much accessible to my ears.
It is challenging to listen to this record, I`ve done it many times now.
1 Awareness Of The Frailty Of Being
2 Pandemonium
3 The Invisible Veil Of The Cold Silence
4 The Agony
5 Eternal Shining Star
6 Beneath The Ruins
7 The Universe Hears Everything
8 Last Struggle
1 Awareness Of The Frailty Of Being
2 Pandemonium
3 The Invisible Veil Of The Cold Silence
4 The Agony
5 Eternal Shining Star
6 Beneath The Ruins
7 The Universe Hears Everything
8 Last Struggle
Review by Slawek Migacz
Added: 11.12.2020
Added: 11.12.2020