Llamas De Gloria Primera
Satanath Records
Morbid Skull Records
Enoquian is hailing from Argentina and this is shorter review because from the very first song, till the last one, you know what to expect to hear from this album. This is very raw and evil sounding full length debut with 8 tracks that are mostly fast songs with drum blast beats which sound like total black metal Armageddon. The only purpose of this album is to annihilate, deliver maximum sonic destruction and even totally possessed vocals of their vocalist shall bring you mayhem.
Production of the album is bad and very careless but in some black metal circles it`s how things work best even if somehow mysterious and very excruciating ways. Those 8 songs have definitely impression of black metal but guitar shreds are often based on chaotic, old school thrash metal riffs. So, if you like oppressing, straight forward black thrash metal which is dragged with hatred and vengeance of South American demons, then join to the legions of the band and welcome to depth of hell.
1 Poderes Perdurables
2 Llamas De Gloria Primera
3 Extremo Erróneo
4 Esclavizando Al Maestro
5 Herencia Terrena
6 Destructores Del Ser
7 Control Trapezoidal
8 Equilibrio
Review by Slawek Migacz
Production of the album is bad and very careless but in some black metal circles it`s how things work best even if somehow mysterious and very excruciating ways. Those 8 songs have definitely impression of black metal but guitar shreds are often based on chaotic, old school thrash metal riffs. So, if you like oppressing, straight forward black thrash metal which is dragged with hatred and vengeance of South American demons, then join to the legions of the band and welcome to depth of hell.
1 Poderes Perdurables
2 Llamas De Gloria Primera
3 Extremo Erróneo
4 Esclavizando Al Maestro
5 Herencia Terrena
6 Destructores Del Ser
7 Control Trapezoidal
8 Equilibrio
Review by Slawek Migacz
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