Czar Of Revelations
Profile of the magazine is metal, so in times like this, any none-metal album is like taking a deep breath to quickly renew perception on music itself and make sort of act of catharsis on yourself. Of course, there is always some invincible connection between metal and the bands that using standard rock instruments but it is sound that often makes you who you are.
Swiss Echelot is not metal but lot of notions in their music could be easily associated with metal. Like it or not Echolot is like a creature hiding in the mist and waiting to materialize nightmares from the psyche of the band to everyone who listen... Volva is an obscure album, enlighten by British rock so lets`s start off with the review, shall I?
Musically, Echolot is reaching out classic bands like Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd or from newest Stonerror. But also, Echolot is adding a pinch of European dark rock to the music as they come from Switzerland. It is unsettling when I listen to music from Volva because they do not repeat music too often within one song so it is unlikely to remember it except the momentum when you hear the actual music. Echolot is not on a stage of writing instant classic as yet, they still have a lot to learn when comes to songs that stuck with listener. For now, there are not many melodies, even that creepy or sad that makes you jump when you see a shadow on your wall. Their music is doomy, makes your thoughts lurking in corners of your mind and you may or may not to struggle with it psychologically. Vocals do not always do a difference, they just are, from the heart but don`t do much impact to me so I can remember it. One exception, they have monumental vocals in I (appears 2 times) which push atmospheric side of the band and making music more profane. Somehow fragments like that creates a backbone to the music of the album which they not always have. I mean by that that long moments in their music are like jamming that bands do when rehearsing stuff. I like their rhythm section (bass,drums) but guitars just go nowhere near to it at some points which sometimes is OK, the other time, it just does not matter that much. Volva has few fast moments (II) and you can sway your body from side to side and either way you like in rhythm of music which is very cool. Track III could start from 5th minute (they are good, sharp and alive) because all minutes before that are beyond my perception of understanding of; what is it a good song? You know? That might be as good for somebody else as it is neutral for me so it is better do not care and just listen for yourself to find out...
I think that last song is exceptionally good, very moody and claustrophobic at times. Slow, doom rock with lots of improvisations as they do on the whole album.
I kind like this album but it has so many lost moments and if that could be 15 minutes shorten then that`d be for the best.
Echolot is:
Lukas Furer-guitar
Renato Mateucci-bass
Jonathan Schmidli-drums
Review by Slawek Migacz
Swiss Echelot is not metal but lot of notions in their music could be easily associated with metal. Like it or not Echolot is like a creature hiding in the mist and waiting to materialize nightmares from the psyche of the band to everyone who listen... Volva is an obscure album, enlighten by British rock so lets`s start off with the review, shall I?
Musically, Echolot is reaching out classic bands like Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd or from newest Stonerror. But also, Echolot is adding a pinch of European dark rock to the music as they come from Switzerland. It is unsettling when I listen to music from Volva because they do not repeat music too often within one song so it is unlikely to remember it except the momentum when you hear the actual music. Echolot is not on a stage of writing instant classic as yet, they still have a lot to learn when comes to songs that stuck with listener. For now, there are not many melodies, even that creepy or sad that makes you jump when you see a shadow on your wall. Their music is doomy, makes your thoughts lurking in corners of your mind and you may or may not to struggle with it psychologically. Vocals do not always do a difference, they just are, from the heart but don`t do much impact to me so I can remember it. One exception, they have monumental vocals in I (appears 2 times) which push atmospheric side of the band and making music more profane. Somehow fragments like that creates a backbone to the music of the album which they not always have. I mean by that that long moments in their music are like jamming that bands do when rehearsing stuff. I like their rhythm section (bass,drums) but guitars just go nowhere near to it at some points which sometimes is OK, the other time, it just does not matter that much. Volva has few fast moments (II) and you can sway your body from side to side and either way you like in rhythm of music which is very cool. Track III could start from 5th minute (they are good, sharp and alive) because all minutes before that are beyond my perception of understanding of; what is it a good song? You know? That might be as good for somebody else as it is neutral for me so it is better do not care and just listen for yourself to find out...
I think that last song is exceptionally good, very moody and claustrophobic at times. Slow, doom rock with lots of improvisations as they do on the whole album.
I kind like this album but it has so many lost moments and if that could be 15 minutes shorten then that`d be for the best.
Echolot is:
Lukas Furer-guitar
Renato Mateucci-bass
Jonathan Schmidli-drums
Review by Slawek Migacz
Echolot facebook
Pre-order album at:
Czar Of Revelations/Czar Of Crickets facebook
Czar Of Bullets/Czar Of Revelations official
Pre-order album at:
Czar Of Revelations/Czar Of Crickets facebook
Czar Of Bullets/Czar Of Revelations official