Zero Trust
Deformeathing Production
The band is based in Krakow/Poland, so they are pretty much folks from my areas. I do not know who`s behind this project because they seems to keep their real identities unknown to press on purpose or whatever other reason. But who cares, right? Music appears to have more importance for them than their names and this is next thing I am going to write about...
A 9 songs and approx 16 minutes is a total time of the EP. It is pretty much manifestation of new name to people who seek new bands. Deathreat plays punk`ish death metal in the vain of some Swedish bands. It is not like Sunlight studio early production. If you mind the fact that whole record has been recorded-put together in Poland and in few places I suppose, then do not expect as crispy sound as early Entombed for example. However Zero Trust is just half way sounding like that which is a good thing to have. Music wise they play on advantage of death metal but even my favorite bands like Germ Bomb, Fredag den 13:e have their songs packed with more brutality and dynamism what I can`t say about Deathreat. Zero Trust is very simply structured record but they have their good points in songs which are solid, yet vulgar sounding vocals. Also grind/HC and death metal ideas they offer can be very stimulating to wake up your enthusiasm. But, of course, if you do this like Deathreat, right?. They do not reach music beyond decency. I think it`s a good thing regarding this particular record because they keep music and lyrics straight-forward so it sounds much better heavier than unnecessarily complicated if they have chosen so. Good debut record but I leave them with impression that they could be much better band if they want to.
1.PC Punx Fuck Off 01:59
2.Aid Unlooked For 02:12
3.The Ballad Of Carnivore 01:08
4.I Am Burning 02:06
5.Whilst Alive 03:05
6.Gone For Good 01:08
7.No Ambitions 01:56
8.Waiting For The Turning Point 01:27
9.Zero Trust 01:03
Review by Slawek Migacz
A 9 songs and approx 16 minutes is a total time of the EP. It is pretty much manifestation of new name to people who seek new bands. Deathreat plays punk`ish death metal in the vain of some Swedish bands. It is not like Sunlight studio early production. If you mind the fact that whole record has been recorded-put together in Poland and in few places I suppose, then do not expect as crispy sound as early Entombed for example. However Zero Trust is just half way sounding like that which is a good thing to have. Music wise they play on advantage of death metal but even my favorite bands like Germ Bomb, Fredag den 13:e have their songs packed with more brutality and dynamism what I can`t say about Deathreat. Zero Trust is very simply structured record but they have their good points in songs which are solid, yet vulgar sounding vocals. Also grind/HC and death metal ideas they offer can be very stimulating to wake up your enthusiasm. But, of course, if you do this like Deathreat, right?. They do not reach music beyond decency. I think it`s a good thing regarding this particular record because they keep music and lyrics straight-forward so it sounds much better heavier than unnecessarily complicated if they have chosen so. Good debut record but I leave them with impression that they could be much better band if they want to.
1.PC Punx Fuck Off 01:59
2.Aid Unlooked For 02:12
3.The Ballad Of Carnivore 01:08
4.I Am Burning 02:06
5.Whilst Alive 03:05
6.Gone For Good 01:08
7.No Ambitions 01:56
8.Waiting For The Turning Point 01:27
9.Zero Trust 01:03
Review by Slawek Migacz
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