More Hate Productions
I salute this Russian band for their album Astazebian from 2017, also released by More Hate Productions. As soon as I could, I wanted to get to know and listen to their previous accomplishments, and that's how I came to their Varkulama debut from 2013. I had some concerns about whether it's such a good album, but now that I've listened to it, I can write that I'm not disappointed.
The album consists of 11 cursed, blackened death metal songs played with technical and hellish accuracy and with total dedication to devilish metal. Horns up to the drummer of Dargonomel whose blast beats and complex arrangements sound perfect. His drumming reminds me of Inferno from Azarath / Behemoth, which is at a similar, respected level. Of course, vocalist of Dargonomel growls according to death metal expectations but his hate-filled words are carriers for his infernal vocals, expressed with incredible, poisonous manner of brutality. The guitarist can play technically if he wants to, and often does, as if he had a horned guardian on his shoulder telling him what to do best (excuse my imagination)...But technicality is not always the goal here . For better evil of the album, the cruel and deadly guitar riffs represent the strength of their death metal as its best.
My favorite tracks: Leviathan Retributive, From the Void This Is Beyond, Discrowned, Ave Incanus. These are just awesome and killer songs, listen to it and let your abyss being consumed...
Also, know this band for something different and open minded! Check the song Way Into The Transcendence, played on acoustic guitars, you'll realize that they can do anything with their music.
Apparently, I have no choice again and I recommend Varkulama album to any occult blckenedeath metal maniacs and Dargonomel, for playing extreme music, essentially like the best bands of this genre do.
1 Leviathan Retributive
2 From The Void This Is Beyond
3 Varkulama
4 Discrowned
5 Eternal Dilemma
6 Way Into The Transcendence (acoustic guitar)
7 Ave Incanus
8 Under The Bleeding Sign (instrumental)
9 Never Dying
10 Adventum Execratum
11 Let The Beast Out (Выпусти зверя)
Review by Slawek Migacz
Added: 14.11.2018
The album consists of 11 cursed, blackened death metal songs played with technical and hellish accuracy and with total dedication to devilish metal. Horns up to the drummer of Dargonomel whose blast beats and complex arrangements sound perfect. His drumming reminds me of Inferno from Azarath / Behemoth, which is at a similar, respected level. Of course, vocalist of Dargonomel growls according to death metal expectations but his hate-filled words are carriers for his infernal vocals, expressed with incredible, poisonous manner of brutality. The guitarist can play technically if he wants to, and often does, as if he had a horned guardian on his shoulder telling him what to do best (excuse my imagination)...But technicality is not always the goal here . For better evil of the album, the cruel and deadly guitar riffs represent the strength of their death metal as its best.
My favorite tracks: Leviathan Retributive, From the Void This Is Beyond, Discrowned, Ave Incanus. These are just awesome and killer songs, listen to it and let your abyss being consumed...
Also, know this band for something different and open minded! Check the song Way Into The Transcendence, played on acoustic guitars, you'll realize that they can do anything with their music.
Apparently, I have no choice again and I recommend Varkulama album to any occult blckenedeath metal maniacs and Dargonomel, for playing extreme music, essentially like the best bands of this genre do.
1 Leviathan Retributive
2 From The Void This Is Beyond
3 Varkulama
4 Discrowned
5 Eternal Dilemma
6 Way Into The Transcendence (acoustic guitar)
7 Ave Incanus
8 Under The Bleeding Sign (instrumental)
9 Never Dying
10 Adventum Execratum
11 Let The Beast Out (Выпусти зверя)
Review by Slawek Migacz
Added: 14.11.2018