Cadaveric Possession / Aggressive Mutilator
Influx Of Hatred
Bestial Invasion Records/Mythrone Promotion
5 tracks from Cadaveric Possession (Pol) possess demo/reh quality. Due to recording conditions music sounds awfully good and as organic as possible. Band is about old school, raw black metal, influenced by Greek, Swiss and Polish metal bands, just to mention Rotting Christ, old Samael, Xantotol. Remember Fallen Angel Of Doom by Blasphemy(?), vocals on this record sometimes sound as demonic and blasphemous (The Sinister Beholder) as on that legendary album from Canadian band. Cadaveric Possession gathered some old school death metal influences into their songs as well; simple patterns on drums are woven with faster beats, soulless and sinister (The Everlasting Corruption) guitar riffs originates from cave death metal eras, however, band also play brutally melodic riffs (The Call Of The Forked Tongue), periodically. Cadaveric Possession is hellishly and roughly sounding band.
Better song: ...Crucify The Angels.
Not long time ago I reviewed the other material of Aggressive Mutilator (Swe)...glad to have the band back on those pages. A thing with splits is that songs may come from different period of times. Swedes recorded those tracks between 2018-2019 but it does not really matter when because track Den Svenska Rebellen has guitar harmonies loaded with so much music savagery, synergy and chemistry but songs are not the longest here to be sure they can keep their best momentum going. Anskrämlig Profet Från Den Gamla Onda Tiden is a fast harsh black metal song – quick hit, no history. Bekämpa Eld Med Eld Och Allt Ska Brinna is punky/black track with clean vocal experimentations; slower track but definitely what come next is better... In Maskätet Sinne guitars sound catchy but you know... black metal catchy and kind of melodic, hideous sound was given to this and to almost all songs from this split album. Next black metal track comes from different music genre, song Knivhuggarrock is cover song of Tomas Lendin (pop artist from what I dug out), A.M. totally destroyed this song in the name of metal, leaving just melodic guitar lead from the original. So much fury, energy and noizz in song Besökaren. Världens Bottensats catchy rhythms and some galloping guitar tempos "feels" like heavy metal (Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin) but of course, A.M do not sound like these bands, seems that evil spell already sealed their black metal fate or... maybe not... Aggressive Mutilator play very rough black metal songs and in mix they sound like Dark Throne, Mayhem, Hellhammer but deep within, they may not be any of it, if you look at this band from another (not only black metal) perspective, so much music potential they are hiding, if you understand what I mean...
Better song: ...Crucify The Angels.
Not long time ago I reviewed the other material of Aggressive Mutilator (Swe)...glad to have the band back on those pages. A thing with splits is that songs may come from different period of times. Swedes recorded those tracks between 2018-2019 but it does not really matter when because track Den Svenska Rebellen has guitar harmonies loaded with so much music savagery, synergy and chemistry but songs are not the longest here to be sure they can keep their best momentum going. Anskrämlig Profet Från Den Gamla Onda Tiden is a fast harsh black metal song – quick hit, no history. Bekämpa Eld Med Eld Och Allt Ska Brinna is punky/black track with clean vocal experimentations; slower track but definitely what come next is better... In Maskätet Sinne guitars sound catchy but you know... black metal catchy and kind of melodic, hideous sound was given to this and to almost all songs from this split album. Next black metal track comes from different music genre, song Knivhuggarrock is cover song of Tomas Lendin (pop artist from what I dug out), A.M. totally destroyed this song in the name of metal, leaving just melodic guitar lead from the original. So much fury, energy and noizz in song Besökaren. Världens Bottensats catchy rhythms and some galloping guitar tempos "feels" like heavy metal (Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin) but of course, A.M do not sound like these bands, seems that evil spell already sealed their black metal fate or... maybe not... Aggressive Mutilator play very rough black metal songs and in mix they sound like Dark Throne, Mayhem, Hellhammer but deep within, they may not be any of it, if you look at this band from another (not only black metal) perspective, so much music potential they are hiding, if you understand what I mean...
1 Cadaveric Possession-The Call Of The Forked Tongue
2 Cadaveric Possession-Crucify The Angels
3 Cadaveric Possession-Elevate The Aphotic Prophecy
4 Cadaveric Possession-The Everlasting Corruption
5 Cadaveric Possession-The Sinister Beholder
6 Aggressive Mutilator-Efterbliven Som Herrefolket Vill
7 Aggressive Mutilator-Den Svenska Rebellen
8 Aggressive Mutilator-Anskrämlig Profet Från Den Gamla Onda Tiden
9 Aggressive Mutilator-Bekämpa Eld Med Eld Och Allt Ska Brinna
10 Aggressive Mutilator-Maskätet Sinne
11 Aggressive Mutilator-Knivhuggarrock
12 Aggressive Mutilator-Besökaren
13 Aggressive Mutilator-Världens Bottensats
1 Cadaveric Possession-The Call Of The Forked Tongue
2 Cadaveric Possession-Crucify The Angels
3 Cadaveric Possession-Elevate The Aphotic Prophecy
4 Cadaveric Possession-The Everlasting Corruption
5 Cadaveric Possession-The Sinister Beholder
6 Aggressive Mutilator-Efterbliven Som Herrefolket Vill
7 Aggressive Mutilator-Den Svenska Rebellen
8 Aggressive Mutilator-Anskrämlig Profet Från Den Gamla Onda Tiden
9 Aggressive Mutilator-Bekämpa Eld Med Eld Och Allt Ska Brinna
10 Aggressive Mutilator-Maskätet Sinne
11 Aggressive Mutilator-Knivhuggarrock
12 Aggressive Mutilator-Besökaren
13 Aggressive Mutilator-Världens Bottensats
Review by Slawek Migacz
Added: 07.08.2020
Added: 07.08.2020