Blackhorned Saga
Seven Gates Of Hell CD
Blackhorned Saga is a band that keeping up on traditional black metal quite spontaneously. Influenced by Scandinavian bands and the era when a rise on this type of music was assimilated by people into metal strongly. I am writing about 90`s when death metal has stopped being the most attractive around and evil bands with scary images took over everything metal, at least in Europe.
Blackhorned Saga is that band walking on well known trials that bands like Immortal, Dark Throne defined what we know today as Norwegian black metal or more inherently Scandinavian one. As a matter of fact Bathory is the pioneer and they blazed a trail of the genre with album like Under the Sigh...that proofs theory without doubt. BS is into it but sounds Polish as from early era of Behemoth as well.
Setan is a pure sonic genocide and they are careless in sound which is very unpleasant, crispy, grim and I do not think their intention was to do it worse but actually it might be consider as just BAD sounding piece of black metal with intention to be like that. Vocals do difference as lyrics are entirely sang in Polish and has that raven way of doing things harsh and wordy. That`s a bit about religion, paganism and is like medieval time-honoured tribute. Their songs are fast with crazy blast beats but there are also few short, build-up atmospheric moments within songs and all this balancing the record and void the sameness. This is band`s second album and they just facing their best ideas within tradition of black metal as they have started and they move it on as they like it so do I. I really do.
This album is fine with me after all and should get everyone`s attention if you expect black metal in its most classic and raw form.
Review by Slawek Migacz
Blackhorned Saga is that band walking on well known trials that bands like Immortal, Dark Throne defined what we know today as Norwegian black metal or more inherently Scandinavian one. As a matter of fact Bathory is the pioneer and they blazed a trail of the genre with album like Under the Sigh...that proofs theory without doubt. BS is into it but sounds Polish as from early era of Behemoth as well.
Setan is a pure sonic genocide and they are careless in sound which is very unpleasant, crispy, grim and I do not think their intention was to do it worse but actually it might be consider as just BAD sounding piece of black metal with intention to be like that. Vocals do difference as lyrics are entirely sang in Polish and has that raven way of doing things harsh and wordy. That`s a bit about religion, paganism and is like medieval time-honoured tribute. Their songs are fast with crazy blast beats but there are also few short, build-up atmospheric moments within songs and all this balancing the record and void the sameness. This is band`s second album and they just facing their best ideas within tradition of black metal as they have started and they move it on as they like it so do I. I really do.
This album is fine with me after all and should get everyone`s attention if you expect black metal in its most classic and raw form.
Review by Slawek Migacz