Behemoth - The Satanist - Metal Blade Records CD
Satanist is an album which I finally want to review even if Nergal is empty artistically and all he has is hard work not a talent. But his possessions and experience he has gained touring throughout the years are initially good enough to move on. This record has 2 kind of songs. First are those like Blow your trumpets Gabriel, Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer, The Satanist and luscious O father O satan O sun. All bring a whole new level to the sound of the band, providing a space and a breath into the music not only terrorizing, brainy blasts. These tracks force me to listen the music and are not like another album that I need to go through eventually. All other like Furor Divinus, Amen are connected to more silly past and Behemoth was too blind to see that the quality of compositions were not been fulfilled up like the best songs on this album. The band supremely glorifying satanism on this CD while I think that the things should go real and then Satan will become a slave... For this reason I have never been a big fan of Behemoth as they are actually like reek of heaven`s redemption.
Review by Slawek Migacz
Metal Blade Records
Behemoth facebook
Satanist is an album which I finally want to review even if Nergal is empty artistically and all he has is hard work not a talent. But his possessions and experience he has gained touring throughout the years are initially good enough to move on. This record has 2 kind of songs. First are those like Blow your trumpets Gabriel, Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer, The Satanist and luscious O father O satan O sun. All bring a whole new level to the sound of the band, providing a space and a breath into the music not only terrorizing, brainy blasts. These tracks force me to listen the music and are not like another album that I need to go through eventually. All other like Furor Divinus, Amen are connected to more silly past and Behemoth was too blind to see that the quality of compositions were not been fulfilled up like the best songs on this album. The band supremely glorifying satanism on this CD while I think that the things should go real and then Satan will become a slave... For this reason I have never been a big fan of Behemoth as they are actually like reek of heaven`s redemption.
Review by Slawek Migacz
Metal Blade Records
Behemoth facebook