Drum - Ghoul
Symbol Of Domination
More Hate Productions
Sin has very impressive discography as one man band and he seems to steer all of his efforts and time to make this band an entity of his life I assume...
Album is dedicated to one of the most controversial band in history of black metal-Burzum. More precisely, to his Hviss Lyset Tar Oss (I remember the name of this album even if it is not in language I speak). Lyrics on the other hand are based on The Slitherer from the Slime novel by Lin Carter and Dave Foley.
This album has been recorded in 2015 but released just now in 2017 somehow. For those of you who do not know Sin, he is a Russian and on this record you can hear his devotion to raw, symphonic black metal, neo classical folk and ambient.
It`s atmospheric album with huge amount of keyboards, black metal vocals and little imitated death metal growls. No virtuosity on instruments, no extra speed on guitars and no crazy drum blasts but few faster moments.
Music has one ghostly climax of the record that could be easily the substitute soundtrack to H.P. Lovecraft short story but most likely could fit to one of European terrifying legends like Dracula. Europe do not make much horror movies but I am pretty sure there are many untold stories to tell on big screen. Or bands like Astarium could make it happen through music to fright the world in the name of new nightmares.
This is slow burn album in most parts. Those 4 songs have some gestures of typical black metal compositions that hold his harsh guitar sounding guitars and vocals in dark stronghold. But in long minutes the songs do not even sound like black metal, go beyond that and open the door for other bizarre influences. Although the album has very active symphonic elements which are strongly attached to folklore and roots of Eastern Europe, it gave Sin a room to improve clarity of Astarium songs. He plays it with brighter imagination than black metal parts so the record is much better by that and interesting. Throughout the album there are sounds of real life like a wind, dipping water, similar as on previous record I reviewed.
Drum-Ghoul has basic sound of Norwegian black metal if you will but atmospherics from region of
East Europe are essential to his original songs.
In most moments, the album is best to play at night.
Line up:
1 Hill Of Scape-Gallows
2 Dread Asylum
3 Hospitality Of Demon
4 Pernicious Elixir
Review by Slawek Migacz
Album is dedicated to one of the most controversial band in history of black metal-Burzum. More precisely, to his Hviss Lyset Tar Oss (I remember the name of this album even if it is not in language I speak). Lyrics on the other hand are based on The Slitherer from the Slime novel by Lin Carter and Dave Foley.
This album has been recorded in 2015 but released just now in 2017 somehow. For those of you who do not know Sin, he is a Russian and on this record you can hear his devotion to raw, symphonic black metal, neo classical folk and ambient.
It`s atmospheric album with huge amount of keyboards, black metal vocals and little imitated death metal growls. No virtuosity on instruments, no extra speed on guitars and no crazy drum blasts but few faster moments.
Music has one ghostly climax of the record that could be easily the substitute soundtrack to H.P. Lovecraft short story but most likely could fit to one of European terrifying legends like Dracula. Europe do not make much horror movies but I am pretty sure there are many untold stories to tell on big screen. Or bands like Astarium could make it happen through music to fright the world in the name of new nightmares.
This is slow burn album in most parts. Those 4 songs have some gestures of typical black metal compositions that hold his harsh guitar sounding guitars and vocals in dark stronghold. But in long minutes the songs do not even sound like black metal, go beyond that and open the door for other bizarre influences. Although the album has very active symphonic elements which are strongly attached to folklore and roots of Eastern Europe, it gave Sin a room to improve clarity of Astarium songs. He plays it with brighter imagination than black metal parts so the record is much better by that and interesting. Throughout the album there are sounds of real life like a wind, dipping water, similar as on previous record I reviewed.
Drum-Ghoul has basic sound of Norwegian black metal if you will but atmospherics from region of
East Europe are essential to his original songs.
In most moments, the album is best to play at night.
Line up:
1 Hill Of Scape-Gallows
2 Dread Asylum
3 Hospitality Of Demon
4 Pernicious Elixir
Review by Slawek Migacz
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More Hate Productions
Satanath Records:
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Symbol Of Domination Facebook
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More Hate Productions
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